Illness Bingo!

How to play:

Visit Illness Bingo and print one copy of this game card for each player, refreshing the page before each print, or have the players print their own bingo cards. These instructions will not be printed. You can also select an embeddable card only version of the game or a multiple card version of the game when playing on line, or with a smart phone.

Click/Mark each block when you see or hear these words and phrases. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "liar". Or play as a drinking game and for every block you mark off, take a sip, and finish your drink each time you get five blocks in a row.

the storm is comingi cant tell if this guy is drunk, actually crazy, or bothits like poetry it rhymeswho what where when why wharambeit's three in the morning. they should be here by now
i am a herobronco trolleysx is not a creative yi know everythingdo you think they saw us
osama bin laden oh say can you seesave a tree and burn down the libraryWORK IT MASH IT COMMIT TO THE MISH
(free square)
stop crying you fat ****heart impact fart attack
matt damon backgammon major league footballegg tar bit cot bug gun hen for kit far old err ewetheyre onto meget it out of me, they planted a tracker in mefor the last time we did not order a giant trampoline
flapjacks and a nail filei know youre in therenutrition superstitionsteganography ronald reaganomicsi know youre in here